
Ready, Set, Grow!
A training programme for early stage businesses in Horsham

Ready, Set, Grow! is for early stage business owners based in the District of Horsham, West Sussex. 

The first group participated from May to July 2023. With excellent feedback, Digital Islands has been asked to run the programme again in early 2024. 

The training is for people who are at the early stages of starting their business, and starting to grapple with the challenges of making it work and growing. The training includes 7 small group in-person workshops, covering: 

1. Strategy and the development of an Action Plan

2. Employing Resources

3. Developing a clear proposition 

4. Core messages for your marketing

5. A simple marketing plan

6. Content marketing

7. Finance and planning

The programme also includes 2 extra online expert led discussions on topics decided by the group and 3 one to one support meetings.   


Ready, Set, Grow!
A comprehensive training programme for early stage business owners.

Digital Islands developed this programme built on the experience of running a series of similar training courses for 7 groups of business owners in East Sussex 


Employing Resources

Value Proposition

Key Messaging

Marketing Plan

Content Marketing

Finance & Planning

One to One support

The support also includes running two expert led round table discussions on topics selected by the group. 

Ready, Set, Grow! provides
training that is enhanced by the support of an advisor to aid the development of individual Action Plans.

The courses involve group workshops with other local, like-minded business owners. Open discussion and participation in all sessions is actively encouraged. 

Our happy clients

Digital Islands has helped hundreds of small business owners thrive.

By collaborating with local councils, universities, business membership organisations, networks and other providers of economic development services, we reach deep into
the communities we serve to achieve real results.

With projects across Southern England, we have built a wide network of specialists. This has created a robust structure able to serve local project delivery and provides capacity and back up capacity if required.

Gavin introduces the Ready, Set, Grow! programme of business support, which is for early stage business owners in the District of Horsham. 

gavin mcwhirter, ready, set, Grow!
Who we’ve helped